Thursday 23 January 2014

DIY Wish/Memory Jar

What is a wish/memory jar, i hear you cry! Well, pictures of these things have been all over Tumblr and Pintrest recently, and so, here is a nice little DIY for you to make your own!
This neat little idea is essentially a jar, that you write down either wishes that you have for the year, or good things that happen to you throughout the year, and you put them in the jar. At the end of the year, you open the jar and you read all the little things you have written! It's like an unconventional diary of nice little snippets for you to document your year!

You will need: 
A jar! Any kind, any size
Small pieces of paper or post-it notes
Things to decorate with!

I used a mason jar, easily found at any home supply shop, or supermarket. And a bunch of things i found in my craft box.

I used some old ribbon, and stuck on various bits and bobs!

Write your wishes or write down when something good happens to you, and pop it in the jar!
I made a note of the date on mine too!

And there is your jar! 
You can make it as outrageous or simple as you like. Cover it in glitter, wrap it up in paper or just leave it plain! It is yours to do what you want with.

And remember, you don't have to just put pieces of paper in it. Pick flowers from a fun day out, press them and put them in the jar to remember the day! Find conkers in the park in the autumn, put them in the Jar! Confetti from a birthday card, an invite to a wedding, anything small enough to fold up or fit in the jar, that will remind you of happy days, put it in!

I hope you give this easy DIY a try, and fill your jar with beautiful things this year!

Kitten noses and puppy paws,


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